Angeline Hardcastle Stansbury, born September 9, 1883, was the second child in the family. Her interests in the arts and education led her through teacher training at the Chico Normal School, where she received her degree in 1902, and then coursework at University of California, Berkeley, and the College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. Promptly, she was hired as an art instructor at the Chico High School. She held this position for forty years.

1889 Angeline, Middleton and Ellen

1883 Angeline and Middleton
1970 Angeline and Middleton

Angeline was dedicated to her home and family. Angeline took over the supervision of the Warfield Ranch until its sale in 1929. The family residence was the center of Ms. Stansbury’s existence. She lived there until her death on Christmas day, 1974. Her industriousness to preserve the pristine quality of her home resulted in its use as a model of Victorian life in Chico.